Willkem Oy

Willkem Oy has been a wholesaler of cosmetics, cosmetics, hair accessories, gifts and swimwear since 1986. Our customers are department stores, supermarkets, chemicals, health centers, spas, gift shops and hairdressers all over Finland.

Our strong own production from the Far East and Europe allows for low prices but high quality. We have over a thousand products in our product range and our selection lives up to the ever-changing trends. In addition, we offer our customers free of charge store racks for displaying our products.

We always have the goods in stock and delivery is fast: we aim to deliver your order within 1-3 working days, orders over € 200 we deliver free of charge.

If you are interested in our products, you can contact your local representative,
who will introduce our products to you in more detail.


Merja Nurro 040 028 4399 | Pohjois-Suomi
Pasi Kananoja 040 120 9000 | Länsi-Suomi
Kati Turunen 050 528 7257 | Itä-Suomi
Sofia Kallio 045 841 3144 | Pirkanmaa
Minna Hirsimäki 040 836 2594 | Etelä-Suomi

or with email: willkem@willkem.fi